Atlas Magazine June 2006

The enterprise, first !

The topics of modernisation and training have been at the core of the May meetings of both GAIF in Damascus and the African Insurance Organisation in Cape Town.

Highlighted, the two events intermingle as they both outline the same finding: the necessity to act and get down to the crux of the matter: the enterprise.

What to tackle first?

The stakes are so high, and meeting them requires a genuine mindset revolution at the top of the pyramid.

At the level of shareholders first, who are to cater for the necessary financial tools and get closely focused on management procedures calling managers to be answerable to the shareholding.

At the level of leaders then, who must be bearers of a clear-cut perspective on their business. For, the modernisation of the enterprise requires a sustainable adaptation to management tools and procedures. It goes through the decentralisation of decision-making circuits, the devolution of responsibilities, the flow of information and consequently the recourse to adequate technological tools.

What steps are needed to reach the objective?

The company modernisation is an integrated part of that of human resources. It is a move that requires once again a new conception of the training process for the skills in line with the evolution of technologies. Otherwise, the phenomenon of brain drain will linger on.

Acquiring equipment will be of no use if we do not have a modernist corporate perspective and the qualified staff to optimise its use. On the other side of the spectrum, how many companies are still deprived of business tools as indispensable as electronic mail, internet and risk quotation softwares?

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