AXA to promote its brand with Serena Williams

Serena WilliamsIn order to promote its new tagline "Know You Can", AXA Group has launched its new advertising campaign featuring the female tennis star Serena Williams.

In addition to the British football club Liverpool FC, the French group also intends to take advantage of the notoriety of the former world's number one tennis player to reinforce the visibility of the AXA brand worldwide.

The campaign focuses on the diffusion of films communicating about health, pension, insurance of companies, while embodying AXA's commitment to its clients.

An outstanding athlete, Serena Williams has won 23 Grand Slam titles during her athletic career. She has about 11 million followers on her Twitter account.

Launched last February in Germany and then in Hong Kong, AXA's advertising campaign is currently deployed in France. It will follow later in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

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