CCR Re: turnover increase in H1 2022

CCR ReCCR Re, a subsidiary of the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR), reported a 15% turnover increase during the first half of 2022.

The premiums volume grew from 665 million EUR (791.629 million USD) as at 30 June 2021 to 764 million EUR (801.36 million USD) one year later.

The combined non-life ratio stood at 98.2%, slightly increasing by 1.2 points compared to the first half of 2021. The life margin rate of 3% remains at the same level as the end of 2021.

According to the French reinsurer, this performance has been achieved despite the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the severe hailstorms that hit France in June 2022.

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