Typhoon Nanmadol: final estimate of insured losses

Typhoon Nanmadol in JapanThe fourth and final assessment carried out by research firm PERILS indicates that the insured losses caused by Typhoon Nanmadol in Japan should amount to 125.9 billion JPY (851.1 million USD).

This cost was estimated at 129.6 billion JPY (876.1 million USD) in March 2023, 119.7 billion JPY (809.2 million USD) in December 2022 and 113.5 billion JPY (767.3 million USD) in November 2022.

The tropical cyclone hit Japan on 18 September 2022, triggering violent winds, torrential rains, landslides and flooding. The natural disaster also claimed the lives of four people and caused extensive material damage.

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