Syrian insurance market: H1 2022 results

Marché Syrien des assurancesData published by the Syrian Insurance Supervisory Commission showed that all local insurers have recorded a 60% increase in their turnover in the first half of 2022. The premium volume has jumped from 42.318 billion SYP (82.52 million USD) as at 30 June 2021 to 67.675 billion SYP (131.97 million USD) one year later.

The market is dominated by the health class of business whose total premium income amounted to 30.652 billion SYP (59.77 million USD), that is, 45.4% of the total premiums written in Syria during the first half of 2022. With a 29% market share, motor insurance comes in second place with a turnover of 20.148 billion SYP (39.29 million USD).

In H1 2022, the Syrian market consists of 13 insurance companies.

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