AMI Assurances: Q1 2024 results

ami assurancesAMI Assurances has ended the first three months to March 2024 with a turnover of 44.8 million TND (14.3 million USD), showing a 3% decline over one year.

At 36.8 million TND (11.8 million USD), non-life premiums were down 2% on the same period of 2023. Life premiums fell by 6% to 8 million TND (2.5 million USD).

Settled claims amounted to 19.7 million TND (6.3 million USD) as at 31 March of the current year, against 18.7 million TND (6.1 million USD) in the first quarter of 2023, representing a 5% increase.

Financial income stood at 8.1 million TND (2.6 million USD) compared with 9.2 million TND (3 million USD) a year earlier.

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