Motor insurance: towards a digital green card in Tunisia

BUATThe Bureau Unifié Automobile Tunisien (BUAT) is launching a digital platform for issuing the “MICARD” green card.

This initiative is aimed at reducing the risk of fraud involving international insurance cards, facilitating the underwriting process and enabling vehicles to circulate outside Tunisia under favorable conditions.

Since May 2024, the electronic green card format has been used by five local insurance companies for an initial trial period. It will be made available to all motor insurers operating in the country starting June of this year.

The new system is scheduled to be officially launched on 3 June 2024. A transitional phase will run from June to September, during which the paper version of the green card can still be used, before being prohibited at the beginning of October.

Tunisia joined the green card system in 1969. It is a motor insurance certificate that allows Tunisian vehicles to circulate in all European countries.

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