Senegalese insurance market: provisional 2018 results

statistiquesIn 2018, the Senegalese insurance market reported a turnover of 174 359 million FCFA (304,03 million USD), up by 7.31% compared to the 162 476 million FCFA (283,31 million USD) of 2017.

With 113 608 million FCFA (198,09 million USD), that is 65.16% of the total written premiums, non-life insurance's turnover rose by 8.61% in one year.

For its part, life insurance accounted for 34.84% of the market premiums i.e 60.751 million FCFA (105,93 million USD). It reported an annual growth of 4.96%.

Investments grew by 7.86% to reach 302 billion FCFA (526,6 million USD) at the end of 2018. Bank deposits represented 45.03% of these investments, followed by securities 21.6%.

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