Generali: results as at 30 September 2022

GeneraliGenerali has posted a 9% increase in its turnover to 59.832 billion EUR (58.224 billion USD) as at 30 September 2022. As of that date, life premiums have reached 38.662 billion EUR (37.623 billion USD), growing by 3.4% over one year.

The non-life premium income recorded a 21% jump to reach 21.17 billion EUR (20.601 billion USD). The 93.3% non-life combined ratio was impacted by a higher loss ratio due to hyperinflation in Argentina.

As at 30 September 2022, the Italian group reported a net profit of 2.233 billion EUR (2.173 billion USD), which represents a 0.8% drop compared to the same period in 2021. The net result was negatively influenced by Generali's withdrawal from the Russian insurance market.

During the period under review, the operating result stood at 4.8 billion EUR (4.671 million USD), up by 7.8% over twelve months.

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