Assurances Hayett: 2022 results

Assurances HayettAssurances Hayett, the COMAR group's life and capitalization subsidiary, has published its financial statements as at 31 December 2022. Written premiums have reached 83.1 million TND (26.5 million USD), increasing by 3% compared to the 80.6 million TND (28 million USD) recorded in 2021.

The net profit has dropped from 7.7 million TND (2.7 million USD) as at 31 December 2021 to 6.4 million TND (2 million USD) a year later, representing a 17% decline.

For the past year, the Tunisian insurer is recommending the distribution of a dividend amounting to 4 million TND (1.3 million USD) at the Ordinary General Meeting scheduled for 24 April 2023.

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